Branden Pizarro vs Josue Vargas sets the stage for the next exciting bout announced by Hard Hitting Promotions. This eagerly awaited fight, revealed on...
"Dive into the ring with 'Standing 8: Sinister Stars,' where we unveil boxing's most infamous villains. From Ali's brash taunts to Tyson's menacing presence,...
Enter the ring of controversy with 'Standing 8: Don King's Controversial Crown.' Explore the tumultuous career of the boxing impresario, whose larger-than-life persona was...
Step into the dazzling world of 'Standing 8: Flashy Fistfuls.' These boxers aren't just masters of the ring; they're flamboyant showmen whose wealth rivals...
Standing 8: Unveiling Boxing's Richest Titans. Explore the astounding fortunes of legends like Mayweather, De La Hoya, and Tyson. From gritty gyms to glittering...
Isaac “Pitbull” Cruz (26-2-1, 18 KOs) achieved a significant milestone in his career by defeating Rolando “Rolly” Romero (15-2-0, 13 KOs) on March 30,...
The Middleweight division in boxing, accommodating fighters up to 160 pounds, has long been revered for its unique blend of speed, power, and technical...