In what was initially celebrated as another step in Keyshawn “The Businessman” Davis’s (10-0-1, 6 KOs) unblemished career, his majority decision victory over Nahir...
In a highly anticipated professional debut, Curmel Moton (1-0-0 1 KO) delivered a spectacular first-round knockout against Ezequiel Flores (4-1-0 3 KOs). The bout,...
Keyshawn Davis (9-0-0, 6 KOs) showcased his growing prowess in the lightweight division with a commanding unanimous decision victory over Francesco Patera (28-4-0, 9...
Isaac “Pitbull” Cruz (25-2-1, 17 KOs) delivered an impressive victory over Eduardo Ramirez (27-3-3, 12 KOs) on September 4, 2022, at the Arena...